Explorer Post 608
After turning 16, having at least a year in the Post and completed the necessary training programs, a member can apply to become a RAM (restricted active member) of the Solvay Fire Department. As a RAM the individual will be allowed to respond to certain type fire calls and have restricted activities that the member will be allowed to do. |
Besides from their training Explorers will be expected to assist the firefighters with different activities such as fire prevention programs, fund raisers, maintaining equipment and assisting at some of the fire fighter drills. Explores will also represent the Solvay Fire Department in competitions against other Explorer posts in firematic challenges, races and parades.
All explorers will be assigned turn out gear (helmet, coat, bunker pants and boots) and a locker. Post members will also be provided a uniform for parading.
The objective of the post is to develop an interest in volunteer fire fighting. Our hope is once the Explorer turns 18 they will want to join the Solvay Fire Department.
If you are interested in becoming an Explorer in the Solvay Fire Department Explorer Post, contact The Solvay Fire Dept corporation office @ 468-1710. Leave your name, address, phone number, age, school attending and grade you're in with the administrative director and she will make arrangements for one of the advisors to get back to you.
Follow the Explorers on their Facebook Page by clicking the logo to the right