"The East Side Gang"

Prospect Hose Co.
"The Eastside Gang"

Although the last to be built, Prospect Hose Company epitomizes the Village's founding fathers' concern for having "total fire protection" for the residents of Solvay. The original firehouse located at 211 Freeman Avenue was owned by James Kincaid. This station housed two horses and fire wagons. Firemen who attended to the horses wer paid 25 cents per hour. The tower attached to the station for drying hose and that also housed the bell can still be made out today as it has been transformed into an apartment building. Once the station moved across the street constant additions were made to fit modernized equipment into the building. In 2005 station three merged with station one into the current Solvay fire Headquarters located on the corner of Milton Avenue and Orchard Road. The old station three still stands on the corner of Freeman Avenue and Woods Road and is in the renovationof being utilized as offices

Top Right: The original firemen of the Prospect Hose Co. Top: Middle: Firemen pose for a picture in front of the more modern Station 3. Left: Station 3 as it stands today.